Lots going on at the Bunker

June 29, 2011

So we’ve been back from the show a couple of weeks now, and were off to a great start.  First off our mascot in training, the adorable 10week  old english bulldog pup Bala is in the office with us everyday. Desiree our administrative operations head has designated her new office as Bala’s room, she has acquired a pink bed and toys for her to show her girly side. She is a great pup and we love having her around the office.

We have been very fortunate since our return and have caught the eye of Carducci Tactical and have been written about in his well respected blog. It was a pleasure to have met Danny at the show.

We have published several press releases in the past week and have our Venator battle rifle currently featured in the online publication”Tactical Life” by Harris publications.

We have released our Venator and will be updating our website shortly to include pricing.

We are currently finishing up pricing for some new packages and models we are to be offering.

Stay tuned as it will only keep getting better.


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